
We are proud to announce we are now open to submissions for YOUR original children’s stories!

Genres: We are currently ONLY accepting scripts for fiction and nonfiction children’s picture books, board books, and comics.

What We Publish: Jesse B. Creative is a children’s book publishing company proudly focused on diversity. We publish award-winning stories which center on representation, creativity, perspective and laughter. Diversity, in our opinion, covers but is not limited to: ethnicity, nationality, gender, culture, faith, food, orientation, dress, age and income. We proudly seek stories which run the spectrum of the categories above and are told from authentic representatives of those communities and experiences.

Authors may cut and paste their manuscript text into the associated field below

Illustrators if you would like to be considered for hiring, please share a link to your online artist’s profile (Instagram, Behance, Dribbble, etc) in the marked field below.

Thank you and we look forward to reviewing your work!

Please complete the form below